
What Is Employee Engagement? Strategies, Objectives & More

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is frequently discussed, but employee engagement may have a greater influence on many critical company objectives and outcomes. Employees that are highly engaged produce:

  • Increased profitability and productivity at the company
  • Increased sales
  • More consumer happiness, loyalty, and participation

Something that can provide all of these benefits, among others, is obviously worthwhile to invest in.

What precisely is an employee engagement strategy?

Therefore, employee involvement is critical but not always straightforward or simple. According to Zenefits research, 63.3% of organizations find it more to retain employees than to hire them.

This is where an employee engagement plan may help. It’s a strategy outlining how your firm will keep its employees engaged—a means for businesses to be purposeful about getting people interested and to record those efforts openly.

Your customer engagement plan should include the following elements:

  • How will you assess engagement—whether through an customer engagement survey or lagging indicators such as attrition, absenteeism, and productivity?
  • Improvement targets for certain metrics
  • Your budget for projects connected to engagement
  • Clear strategies for increasing engagement, which can include any of the strategies discussed below,

We polled HR executives and leaders to see if they have a defined plan in place to increase employee engagement. Almost half of those polled (45%) said yes.Surprisingly, even more people we interviewed claimed they have a strategy, but it isn’t written down or established. Only 6% said they don’t have a plan or policy in place to encourage involvement.

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Common employee engagement objectives

Having these specific objectives in place will help you assess the success of your efforts later on.

Here are six of the most typical customer engagement objectives:

  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Reduce turnover by increasing retention.
  • Boost productivity
  • Improve employee satisfaction
  • boost client satisfaction
  • Enhance the organisational culture.

We recommend that you select two to three high-level corporate objectives for your organisation to achieve this year. Divide them into quarters to make tracking and managing outcomes easier.

All of these objectives are measurable; in other words, they can be assessed against a goal or intended outcome, albeit some are more difficult to achieve than others.

For example, running surveys to measure something more abstract like “staff contentment” will take up more time and resources. Tracking employee turnover, on the other hand, is significantly easier and requires no engagement from your staff.

How much money should you invest in employee engagement?

The first step in creating a budget is researching and seeing what other firms are allocating to initiatives. In a nutshell, let us establish a standard. The 2016 Society for Human Resource Management and Globoforce Employee Recognition Survey provide an important industry standard.

According to the findings of this poll, the “sweet spot” for values-based incentives and recognition investment is 1% or more of payroll.
When firms invest this much (1% of payroll), they are roughly three times as likely to rank their rewards programme as outstanding than when they invest less.

Remember that this money is intended for a reward and recognition program. As we shall see later in this book, not all of your engagement activities will be tied to incentives and recognition.

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17 Employee Engagement Strategies and Tactics That Work

  1. Begin with trust
  2. Delegate authority to your employees
  3. Assess your communication and alignment.
  4. Get to know your people and show that you truly care about them.
  5. Implement a peer-to-peer recognition programme to celebrate daily victories.
  6. Provide learning and continuing education.
  7. Establish a Transparent Work Environment
  8. Be adaptable, agile, and open to employee feedback.
  9. Create a psychologically safe workplace in which your team can thrive.
  10. Consider the Company Culture
  11.  Promote a sense of community and teamwork
  12.  Define and Implement Your Core Values
  13. Provide consistent feedback.
  14. Prioritize employee well-being.
  15. Provide Additional Employee Benefits and Privileges
  16. Assist employees in achieving financial wellness.
  17.  Create an effective onboarding process.


What exactly is employee engagement?

Employee engagement is defined as the extent to which individuals devote their cognitive, emotional, and behavioural efforts to achieving positive organisational results. So, how do engaged employees appear? They are often engrossed in and enthusiastic about their work. find a stronger sense of significance in their work.

What exactly is employee engagement, and why is it so crucial?

Employee engagement is the level of an employee’s mental and emotional attachment to their workplace. Employees who are engaged are more aware of their surroundings because they are more linked to their workplaces. According to research, highly engaged workers had 70% fewer safety accidents.

What exactly is the purpose of employee engagement?

Employee engagement activities aim to develop a high-performing and engaged workforce by adopting infrastructure and employee engagement techniques that benefit your team.

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