
How to Cancel Audible?Can I Cancel My Membership on Amazon?

How to Cancel Audible?Can I Cancel My Membership on Amazon? Audible is the biggest and fastest-growing online audiobook provider, with over 180,000 titles. Few people are aware, though, that it’s also a fantastic instrument for making money! Here are a few various ways that you may become an affiliate marketer, author, or content producer on Audible and earn money.

What Is Audible?

  1. Amazon’s audiobook program is called Audible. Thousands of titles are available for download, and you can listen to them on tablets, computers, phones, and more.
  2. You will require an Amazon account, but a standard account will work just fine; a Prime account is not required. For mobile users, there is an app.
  3. You have two options for paying for Audible: you can either sign up for one of their recurring membership programs or buy the audiobooks you want at full price one time. You may pick between a number of alternatives, such as monthly and yearly subscriptions, and a subscription will give you access to exclusive discounts and other benefits.
  4. Through Audible, you may earn money as well. This is your chance to learn how to be paid to read audiobooks, if you’ve ever wondered how to do that!

Four Audible Income-Generating Strategies

You could be a writer considering making the switch to audiobooks while you’re working on your next book, or you might be a freelancer trying to make ends meet. It’s a business that writers, affiliate marketers, and entrepreneurs should think about.

Construct an audiobook.

The simplest method to make money on Audible is to create an audiobook. You can even get guidance from Amazon’s self-publishing platform, Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX), throughout the entire process. Making the decision to either narrate your text yourself or have a professional do it is the first step. Before you record an audiobook, take into account the following four factors:


Can you read aloud clearly? Can you narrate your book with the appropriate inflections and a nice accent? Can you read aloud for several hours at a time?


You can’t just use your iPhone for this. Making an audiobook requires recording equipment of the highest caliber. Consider soundproofing solutions for your workspace, including pop filters, shock mounts, recording software, and microphones.

Technical specifications:

For its audiobooks, the ACX has submission rules. These range from limitations on file types and decibel levels to the maximum level of distortion that can be used in recordings.


  1. Hiring a professional narrator will come with a price tag, but it may be worth it compared to using your own resources like time, effort, and equipment.
  2. The next step is to upload your audiobook after it has been recorded. Thankfully, ACX simplifies the process: it will walk you through each step, allowing you to select distribution agreements, upload cover art, and target advertisements with the keywords of your choice.
  3. Keep in mind that before producing an audiobook version of your book, you must first publish the print or digital edition. The automatic procedure of ACX will prompt you to “claim” a title, which must already be in Amazon’s database.
  4. The distribution agreements for Audible are another item to be aware of. Selecting exclusive or non-exclusive distribution for your audiobook will determine how much money you make. The following are the variations between the two:

Exclusive distribution:

Your audiobook is only available for purchase through Audible, iTunes, and Amazon. You will receive a commission on the royalties of forty percent for this.

  1. Non-exclusive distribution:
  2. You may offer your audiobook on other websites (like Google Play) in addition to Audible, iTunes, and Amazon. You will receive a commission on the royalties of twenty percent for this.
  3. The use of ACX as a service is completely free. If you choose the professional approach, though, you’ll have to pay narration costs, and Audible will take a cut of your revenues.
  4. Furthermore, Audible automatically determines the price of your audiobook using an algorithm based on playtime; you are unable to change it. Books with greater content are more expensive.

Be a Narrator for Audiobooks

You don’t need to write fiction or nonfiction to earn money on Audible. You might narrate writers’ works instead. The first step in the process is to create a “narrator profile” on Audible’s audiobook self-publishing platform, Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX). For writers who are looking to be employed, your profile serves as your résumé, and it’s free. In addition to submitting audio recordings for auditions for different projects, you may upload demos and examples of your work history.

As for how to be paid as a professional narrator on Audible, there are three options:

Per-Finished-Hour (PFH):

This is a fixed rate charge that is determined by the audiobook’s overall running time. For instance, your cost will total $900 if you charge $100 PFH for an audiobook that ends up lasting nine hours. Keep in mind that it often takes two or three times as long to record, clean, edit, and prepare your sound files for distribution as it does for the official runtime.

Royalty Share:

This option allows authors to give their narrator a portion of the book’s revenues for a certain period of time in exchange for paying minimal or no PFH charges. Sales on Amazon, iTunes, and Audible may result in royalties.

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Royalty Share Plus:

This approach combines elements of the previous two strategies. Writers offer a smaller proportion of royalties in addition to a lower PFH rate. For authors and narrators who are willing to make a concession on the “pay now, pay later” model, it could be a smart choice.

  1. The range of pay you may anticipate is $50 to $250 PFH, based on your qualifications and expertise. You are free to choose your own price, but you must remain profitable and competitive at the same time. You can set greater rates the more experience you have.
  2. Audible provides a 20%–40% royalty cut in its Royalty Share and Royalty Share Plus programs, which are divided evenly between the narrator and the author.
  3. Whether the author has selected non-exclusive or exclusive distribution rights through Amazon and its affiliates will determine the proportion. Giving them exclusive rights means paying them more in royalties.
  4. As time goes on, you may send an email to Audible requesting to be reviewed and approved as an Audible Approved Producer. This will set you apart from the amateurs and increase your exposure to writers who are hiring.
  5. In the end, ACX might be a terrific place to start if you’re wondering how to be paid to narrate audiobooks. Everyone is welcome to apply, even those with little prior experience, and you may develop your abilities while earning money.
  6. Additionally, you may choose whether fixed upfront costs or possibly higher royalties are more appealing to you.

Become an affiliate marketer for Audible.

“How does Audible make money?” is a question you may be wondering. They use affiliate marketing in addition to selling distribution deals and deducting a portion of revenues. Companies utilize affiliate marketing to raise awareness of their goods and services. An affiliate is a person or website that promotes them; in return, the business pays the affiliate a commission for each click, purchase, or sign-up.

Referrals are how Audible’s affiliate program operates. Put another way, you receive a commission if you send new users to Audible using a special promotional link. The program is called the Audible Creator Program, and it gives new customers a free ebook and rewards them with $15 for each recommendation.

You must register for the Audible Affiliate Program, create promotional links, and distribute them to others in order to get started. Here are a few suggestions for getting the word out:

  1. Share them on social media sites such as YouTube and Facebook.
  2. Include links to them or banner ads on your blog.
  3. Give these to your loved ones, coworkers, and friends.
  4. Promote them on podcasts and other online media.

One strategy to earn money from your writing is through affiliate marketing. If you get a lot of commissions and connect with a large audience, it may be profitable. It can help your book sales and add another, possibly more reliable stream of revenue to your royalties, even if it doesn’t make you wealthy.

Promote Audible’s goods and services.

  1. If you’re wondering how to get money on Amazon Audible without narrating, think about taking on a more promotional role. Through Audible’s Amazon Associates Program, you may promote their goods and services and get paid.
  2. You may get paid through the Amazon Associates Program for each sale or trial that is made thanks to your unique promotional links. It’s similar to their affiliate program in that there are several earning opportunities with varying compensation.
  3. For instance, you will get $5 if someone signs up for a complimentary 30-day trial. You receive $10 when a website visitor enrolls in a premium, paid Audible membership plan.
  4. A la carte (ALC) sales are another source of income. When someone buys a book from Audible without having an Audible subscription, they are making tiny, independent sales. Even though they are just worth $0.50 apiece, they may build up over time.
  5. For those who wish to profit from Audible without really becoming Audible content providers, the Amazon Associates Program might be a great option.
  6. Writing ebooks or narrating audiobooks is not required. Simply promote Audible on any networks, message boards, or fan groups you currently belong to to start making money from a commission-based service that your social networks support.

Getting revenue from Audible

Yes, Audible users, you may create a passive income stream on the same platform that you use to make purchases. When it comes to being a creator or non-creator, you have several possibilities. Recall that no prior experience is necessary. If you’ve been wondering how to get money on Audible, you may become an affiliate marketer, author, narrator, and more by signing up now.

How to Cancel Audible? How can I cancel my membership?

Through Amazon’s Audible membership service, users may access audiobooks, radio shows, TV shows, and audio versions of periodicals and newspapers. For those who would prefer to have music playing while they are concentrating on other tasks, this is a neat service. However, ccanceling an Audible membership is an option for people who decide they no longer wish to maintain the subscription. Continue reading to find out how to cancel Audible. You can find some guidance on how to cancel your membership in several ways on this page.

How to End the Audible Service?

Have you made the decision to cancel your Audible membership? If so, you ought to take the appropriate action. Audible subscription cancellation is possible in a few different ways. You should go to the desktop website to cancel the subscription. However, a mobile device can also be used for it. You may cancel your Audible subscription in three distinct ways, listed below.

Audible Cancel By Website

Probably the simplest and most popular method is to cancel your Audible subscription using the web browser on your PC or laptop. The steps you need to follow are as follows:

  1. Launch the browser of your choice.
  2. Check out
  3. Log into your account now.
  4. Move the mouse pointer over “Hello [Your Name]!” once you’ve logged in. Click Account Details from there.
  5. Navigate to the area labeled “View Membership Details.” Choose “Cancel Membership.”
  6. After that, certain directions will appear on the screen; adhere to them. By doing this, you ought to be able to terminate your account with ease.
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You’ll get a confirmation message after the cancellation procedure is complete. Additionally, keep an eye on your email, as you will receive a confirmation.

Can I Cancel My Membership on Amazon Via Call?

You may use your smartphone to cancel your Audible subscription, but a laptop or PC is the ideal option. But bear in mind that the small screen will make it more difficult to do.

  1. Go to the Audible website by opening the browser on your mobile device.
  2. Open your account and log in.
  3. Select “Full Site” at the bottom of the page now. You will be able to view the Audible desktop version as a result. Because of the reduced screen, navigating the website could be more difficult.
  4. Look up at the top of the Audible site and choose the “Hello, [Your Name]!” drop-down menu.
  5. Select “Account Details” from the drop-down menu after that.
  6. You will now be sent to Audible’s membership information page. You may cancel your Audible membership here. To accomplish this, locate the “Cancel Membership” button by looking beneath the “Your Membership” box. You ought to press this button.
  7. You will need to log into your Amazon account again after doing this. In relation to that, you ought to use the “No Thanks, Continue Canceling” option. That button will be orange.
  8. Amazon will next ask you to provide a justification for canceling your subscription. After making your selection from the available options, click the orange “Cancel Membership” button once again.
  9. You won’t be able to leave Audible easily because they aim to keep their users close. Following the click of that button, a certain kind of offer will appear on your page. This will stop you from using this page to cancel your membership. Either an offer to speak with customer support or anything else can be presented to you. You should disregard this offer and choose “Cancel
  10. Anyway” if you’re certain you want to cancel your subscription.
  11. You will need to sign in again for the next step. Audible will notify you that your subscription has been terminated when you do this. Your screen will display the message “Your Membership Has Been Canceled.”

You can continue to listen to the audiobooks in your library even after canceling. Additionally, you will always be able to renew your Audible subscription at a later time.

  1. You may cancel your Audible account over the phone using a different approach as well.
  2. Give (888) 283-5051 a ring. The Audible customer service team’s number is this.
  3. Make sure you have your login credentials handy, because you will need to share them with them.
  4. Request that the agent cancel your membership with Audible.
  5. You will receive an email confirmation as soon as the cancellation is finalized.

Email Audible Cancellation

  1. You may cancel your Audible subscription in another easy way. Even email is a viable method.
  2. To cancel your account, send an email to [email protected].
  3. Make sure the email has both your complete name and your login credentials.
  4. You will receive an email confirming that the cancellation was successful; this might take a day or two.

Things to Think About Before Terminating Audible

  1. You shouldn’t immediately cancel your subscription. You should consider the effects of your action first.
  2. Since you have most likely purchased several audiobooks in the past, the good news is that even if you cancel your subscription, you will still be able to access them. The audiobooks you bought may be listened to via the Audible app and website. This covers both the audiobooks you paid for and the ones you bought with your monthly membership credits.
  3. Additionally, you should make sure you use up all of your unused credits before terminating your subscription. You won’t be able to access them otherwise.
  4. Furthermore, you may return the audiobooks if you no longer need them, and, as a member, you can still receive a refund.

FAQ on Audible Cancellations

Regarding the cancellation of your Audible subscription, you might still have some queries. The following are a few of the most popular queries:

Is it possible to place my Audible account on hold rather than cancel?

You can pause your monthly subscription once every twelve months if you are a subscriber. The account might also be placed on hold for a period of one to three months. However, you should be aware that users who registered their accounts prior to 2006 or whose subscription plans received no credits are not eligible for this function.

To put the account on hold, get in touch with the support staff.

When I cancel my Audible subscription, will I receive a refund?

There is no refund available if you decide to cancel your Audible subscription. When you terminate your account, everything will end, including your member perks. You will be limited to using your account to access and listen to your past purchases.

Final Reflections

It is not hard to learn how to cancel your Audible subscription. After reading this post, you ought to be aware of the next stages. However, be sure to utilize any remaining credits in your account before canceling.

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